Two kinds of Tickets for Budapest Public transport

Kind of ticket in Budapest public transport system

For traveling within the city of Budapest in 2024, it is important to know the two kinds of tickets for Budapest Public transport.

In case you want to find other ways of traveling around Budapest.

In this post, we explain the difference of single journey ticket and transferable ticket.

With Budapest Card,you can explore major attractions via public transport for free and get entry to multiple monuments with discounts.You can purchase it here.

Budapest Single Journey Ticket

If you visit a bkk ticket machine, you have two options to buy a single journey ticket.

Either buy a single ticket (costing 350 HUF) or a pack of 10 single tickets (300 HUF each).
These are single journey tickets but with different prices depending upon bulk or single buy.

These tickets can be used for a single journey (in that mode of transport).e.g.

  • You enter a bus and validate the ticket, and after 2 stops you get off. The ticket is not usable anymore.
  • You want to take a tram which runs on the ground, you validate your ticket, and get off at the last stop. The ticket is not usable anymore.

Note : Keep in mind that tickets costing 300 Huf,350 Huf, or even transfer ticket Budapest costing 550 Huf cannot be used for 100E Bus Budapest.

You can explore Budapest by your own with a Budapest Card,which allows you to use Public transport for free. Click here for buy it online.

Budapest transfer Ticket

A single transfer ticket in Budapest consists of two papers.

It costs 550HUF(100 HUF savings) but is normally used if you require a transfer in your journey.

The transfer can be between Bus to Bus, Bus to Tram, Bus to Train and vice versa.
Here are some examples.

One of the best options to visit Budapest top attractions in short time is using Hop On Hop Off buses. Get your Hop on Hop off bus ticket here for a 10% discount.

  • You want to go from A to B, but you can only go with bus from A to C, and from C to B, there is a underground metro.
    You should validate one ticket on the bus and the other before going to metro.
  • From airport to Deak Ferenc Ter, If you opt to take 200e bus Budapest, you will use the first ticket in the bus, while the other ticket can be used at M3 which takes you to Deak Ferenc Ter. In above cases, had you used 2 single tickets, it would cost you 700 HUF (350+350) or 600 (300+300).

You must get to know how to validate ticket in Budapest and Budapest public transport tickets.

If you want to get a transfer from Budapest airport to city center,you can book your taxi here.You can use the taxi fare comparator from KiwiTaxi and SunTransfers to select the best one.

What ticket to buy at Nepliget to reach city center

If you arrive Budapest by bus at the Nepliget bus station, and do not plan to buy a block of 10 tickets or day passes for Budapest public transport, then best option is to buy the single ticket costing 350 Huf.

The single ticket will have to be validated before on boarding metro M3 which can bring you to city center.
Metro M3 will take 4 stops to bring you to Deak ferenc ter.