Getting to know the cost of living in Budapest is the most important information if you want to move to Budapest. Budapest has become a top destination for foreigners who want to settle in Hungary. Either you got a job in Budapest,coming as a student or moving permanently thinking that cost of living in Budapest is far less than your home country,there are many factor to consider.
In 2024, the cost of living in Budapest has been doubled in terms of food items. Prices of all the food items have doubled what were in mid 2022. You can get detailed info about Supermarkets in Budapest, electronics, furniture, toys,cosmetics, shoes,perfumes,jewelry stores as well as general pricing in Budapest.
Cost of Milk
1 Liter of fresh milk starts around 430 huf in Budapest. This is the cost of milk if you buy from in-house milk brands of companies like LIDL,ALDI,SPAR and TESCO. On the other hand, milk cost is Budapest is almost double from other brands where a liter of milk bottle is around 820 Huf.
Following brands are expansive compared to the in-house milk brands in Budapest.
- Magyar Tej
- Mizo
- Riska
- Tolle Tej
In Budapest you will find milk with 1.5%,2.5% and 3.5% fat. The milk with 1.5% will have slightly lower price than 2.5% for the respective brands.
There is not much difference in price of milk if you buy fresh or long-life milk from a specific brand.
Lactose free milk in Budapest is easily available in fresh as well as long-life milk form.
Price of lactose free milk in Budapest is 20% higher than the normal milk price. The cheapest lactose free milk in Budapest is around 550 Huf.
Sometimes you can find around 40% discount in Budapest on the price of expansive milk brands. The discount is sometimes applicable to cards holders of the store (Tesco/Spar) while sometimes it is a flat discount.
Average price of milk in Budapest is 600 Huf,which is around 1.5 USD/liter.
Cost of Bread
In Budapest, you will find huge variety of Bread and the cost varies for each type of bread.
Typical Hungarian bread is hard from the outside while soft from the inside.
Almost every grocery store in Budapest has its own bakery attached to it,where you can buy fresh bread as well as long life bread.

The softer bread in Hungary is called America Bread and is a little expansive as these are not prepared fresh.
American bread is in square shape and larger in size and costs around 1100-1300 Huf for 500 gram loaf.
The fresh Hungarian bread in Budapest is starting around 450 Huf for a 500 gram loaf and can go up to 800 Huf.
There are breads with brown floor as well as white floor. Some brown breads are costing 600 Huf for 350 Grams of loaf.
Average price of fresh bread in Budapest is 600-800 Huf.
Egg prices
Egg prices in Budapest vary depending upon size of eggs.
Eggs in Hungary come in Small,Medium,Large and XL size.
Typically there are packs of 10,15 and 25 eggs in every big supermarket of Budapest.
A 10 egg pack in Budapest costs around 990 Huf,while the 15 eggs pack is 1450. Egg prices in Budapest also vary depending upon the class. The best quality egg can go to 150huf/egg while the cheapest is around 80 Huf/egg.
Cheese price
You will find over 25 varieties of cheese in any supermarket in Budapest. There are varieties of fresh cheese as well as the long life cheese available in the fridges.
You will also find sliced,shredded and blocks of cheese in majority of grocery stores in Budapest.
Common kinds of cheese available in Budapest stores are
- Trappista
- Camembert
- Mozzarella
- Cheddar
- Cottage Cheese
- Gouda
- Smoked Cheese
- Edami
- Ricotta
Cost of a 125 gram sliced cheese pack is around 1200 Huf.
A 200 gram shredded cheese starts around 1000 Huf and can go up to 1500 Huf.
Fresh cheese as well as frozen cheese pack of 250 gram starts around 1250, depending upon the type of cheese.
Average price of cheese in Budapest is around 1250 Huf/250 Grams.
Chicken price
You can buy fresh chicken in medium to large size grocery stores and supers markets in Budapest.
Various parts of chicken are available at different rates. You can buy boneless chicken breast,Chicken wings,Chicken lever, Chicken Neck,Whole chicken,Chicken thigh, Chicken hearts and Chicken drumsticks.
The boneless chicken breast starts at 2000 Huf per Kg. Chicken thigh start around 1500 Huf/kg in Budapest.
If you want to buy whole chicken, that is costing 1500 Huf/Kg.
Fish Prices
There is a great variety of fish available in any super market of Budapest, Hungary.
Fresh Salmon costs around 7000-9000 Huf per Kg and can be purchased in Spar,Lidl,Aldi, Tesco and CBA.
African Catfish costs around 4500-to 6000 Huf per Kg. Tuna fillets are priced at 10000-12000 huf per kg.
You can also buy trout for 3500Huf/kg rate in Budapest.
Another place to buy fresh fish are Budapest market halls in different districts,with Great Market hall to be the famous one. The underground level of Great market hall contains a good number of fish shops.
Fruit prices in Hungary
Apple price
In any grocery store in Budapest, you will find 3 to 5 types of apples.
The cheapest apple in Hungary is Gala and Idared which are around 550 Huf/Kg, but you can get them during discounts for 400 Huf/Kg.
Cost of Jonagold, Jonagored and RedChief apples is around 700 Huf/kg.
If you want to taste the best apples in Hungary, you should try Pink Lady, Evelina and Crimson Snow.
The cost of apples is between 900 to 1200 Huf per kg for the high end apples.

Banana Price
Bananas in Hungary are sold based upon weight and not number. These are imported from other countries.
It costs around 650-700 Huf/Kg in all stores in Hungary. There is organic banana also available which is 850 Huf/kg and available in many supermarkets.

Orange Price
Majority of citrus fruit in Hungary is imported from Spain.
Orange price in Budapest is between 450 and 600 Huf/kg, while Mandarin are available for around 800-1000 huf/Kg.

Kiwi in Budapest is available in all the grocery stores. You can buy a single Kiwi for 350-450 Huf or a Kilo pack for 900-1000 Huf. Based upon experience, the big sized Kiwis in stores are always rotten and expansive,hence,its better to buy a kg pack.

Peer Price
There are 4 to 5 varieties of peer in Hungary. In Budapest stores, you will find Bosc Kobak and Conference to be the best peers,if they are ripe enough. Peer price in Budapest is around 1000 Huf/Kg.
Mango Price
Mangoes are imported in Hungary from South America and are sold based upon quantity.
These are red and green in color and taste is Ok. A mango in Budapest costs around 400-600 Huf per one item, depending upon the size.

Pineapple rate varies from store to store in Hungary. Sometimes, you can buy a full small size Pineapple for 900 huf. Pineapples with bigger size are costing 700 to 800 huf per kilo.
Avocado is also pretty expansive in Budapest. As a medium to big size avocado is available for 600 Huf.
Sometimes,there are very fancy packing costing around 1300 but they are the worst. It is better to buy the ones available open and cherry pick the good ones.

Vegetables Price
Red Onion cost is around 600 Huf/kg if you are buying from grocery stores like LIDL,ALDI,Tesco or SPAR.
Whereas, the purple onion is around 800 Huf/Kg if bought from international super markets.
Cucumber is sold based upon quantity in Hungary. A cucumber price can vary between 400 and 500 Huf/item.
There are wide varieties of tomato in Hungary. Typical tomato is around 1000-1100 Huf per Kg.
Normally, you will find red and yellow potato is any supermarket of Budapest. The price of red and yellow tomoto in Hungary is same,i.e. between 400-600 Huf. Average price of potato is 500 Huf/kg.
Garlic price in Hungary varies from 2000 to 2500 Huf per Kg. You can find garlic in a pack of 3 or cherry pick.
Garlic in any superstore is never fresh,hence, you should buy only limited quantity based upon your need.
Ginger price in Budapest vary from 1900 Huf to 2200 Huf per kg. You can find ginger in any supermarket and grocery stores in Budapest. It is of good quality whether you buy from farmer market or a grocery store.
Eggplants cost around 1000 to 1400 Huf per Kg. The quality of eggplant is good in Lidl,Aldi,Spar and Tesco.
You can find good quality of cauliflower in grocery stores and super markets.
Cauliflower is available for 1200 Huf per one item.
There are over 4 to 5 varieties of paprika available in Budapest super markets.
Hungarian paprika is light yellowish green and available per item basis for 150 huf,as well as a pack of 500 gram.
The traditional paprika in Hungary is called California paprika which comes in green,red and yellow color.
Green paprika in Budapest is only available in CBA Prima store, if you want to buy only green paprika. The paprika price in Budapest is around 1900 Huf per kg.
However, in other stores like SPAR,LIDL,Tesco and Aldi, there is a pack of 3 paprika with green,yellow and red colored,costing around 1000 Huf.
Budapest Apartments rental prices
Budapest apartment rentals have reached the highest prices in the last 6 months. Below rates are based upon the fact that you rent an apartment in central districts of Budapest like V,VI,VII,VII,IX or XII.
However,if you are a student,and want to live in a 3 room shared apartment, you may survive with 100000 Huf/month for a single room.
A family with 2 children would require at least a 1 bedroom apartment with area around 48 m2,which will cost 200000 Huf/month just for the rent.
Utilities in Budapest
The utilities cost for a studio apartment in Budapest will be around 25000-30000 Huf.
For a student living in a shared apartment with one room, the utilities will be around 10000-15000 Huf/month.
In a family apartment with one living and bed room, utilities will cost around 30000-40000 Huf/month.
Considering the high prices of gas in Budapest, it is best to rent a new apartment due to better insulation.
Transportation prices
If you are living closer to your office, you may not require a public transport ticket. However, if you will require frequent travel in Budapest, you should buy a monthly BKK Pass which allows you to travel unlimited journeys with Budapest Public transport.
A monthly Budapest public transport pass costs around 10000 Huf. On the other hand, if you are rarely traveling with public transport, you can buy a pack of 10 tickets which is 3000 Huf.
For Airport transport, you can take 100E which has a dedicated ticket not covered in the monthly pass or other tickets in Budapest.
Taxi Price
A 10 mins ride withing the Budapest city will easily cost 3000-4000 Huf.
If you order a taxi, the meter will start from 1000 Huf, and increases at the rate of 400 Huf per kilometer if the journey is less than 15 mins.
An airport journey from city center is costing around 10000-12000 Huf.
The public institutions,schools and kinder gardens in Budapest are free for all. Although some may come with challenges if you dont speak Hungarian.
They may ask for a Taj card,but with private insurance, you will get admission to the public school. It is best if you do not speak Hungarian,take one of your Hungarian speaking friend to act as a translator.
If you are not a CEO or CTO earning millions, dont even think of sending your kids to Private schools in Budapest. First of all,they are pretty limited,and they charge a huge amount of school fees.