As Uber had left Hungary taxi industry many years ago, in 2024,there are many Budapest taxi options that visitors can take for traveling.
You can use taxis like FoTaxi,CityTaxi,Bolt,Taxi4 and Best Taxi as alternate to Uber. All these companies are not as good as Uber, but do offer taxis apps with similar kind of experience as Uber would have provided.
Taxis in Budapest come in all sizes and can be selected based upon the volume of your luggage. In case you are looking for travel bags and luggage on your Budapest trip, check out the smart luggage from Horizn-Studios. You can get a 20% flat discount with HSxBudapezt code.
You can book a taxi at a fixed rate from Budapest airport to city center,Click here to book your Airport transfer with no hidden charges.
The best taxi fare calculators for Budapest are from KiwiTaxi and SunTransfers.

For Budapest, It is hard to recommend a single taxi as Uber replacement as all the taxi companies in Budapest have similar fares. The only recommendation is to book the taxis from these companies using their apps. The mentioned companies provide their own apps with similar features like Uber.
For first time Budapest visitors, you can reach the city center from Airport for 12 USD, Book your Airport shuttle here.
Using the mentioned companies apps in Budapest, you have the luxury to select cash or card payment. Each taxi app fro these companies does provide the fare calculator,hence you can compare the Budapest Taxi Fare.
The most important thing when getting a taxi from Budapest streets is to make sure,it has a company logo,which can be FoTaxi,CityTaxi,Taxi4,BestTaxi,Elit Taxi, or Bolt.
Never use a taxi without a company logo,as they can rip you off in a way you never thought of.
The best places to stay near Budapest City center are