Is Vaci Street Budapest in Buda or Pest?

Vaci street is the most famous shopping street in Budapest.It has biggest and famous brands stores in Budapest.If you are wondering where it is located, you should know that it is located on the Pest side of Budapest city.

Vaci Street definitely has lot of mid range international brands.It contains many souvenir shops and a huge variety of options to shop from shoes,apparels,etc.

In order to check, whether you are in Pest or Buda side, you should remember the terminology “Buda Hills”.

Buda side consists of smaller mountains and some monuments on these mountains e.g.Gellert Hill, Buda Castle and Fisherman Bastian.

Hence, if you seen any of such monuments on other side of Danube river, you are in Pest side.

How to reach Budapest Vaci Street

You can reach Vaci street from various Budapest metro stations.

These metro stations are max 5 mins walk from the Vaci Street.

These involve

  • Deak Ferenc ter: Metros M1,M2,M3, 5 min walk from Vaci street Northern end
  • Vorosmarthy square: Metro M1, Start of Vaci street northern end
  • Ferenciek tere:Metro M3, Middle of Vaci street
  • Fovam ter: Metro M4,Southern end of Vaci street
  • Street Car parking around Vaci Street Budapest

As Vaci street is right in the center of Budapest, many streets around it are no enter streets for cars.

Although you will find some cars parked but those may be of residents.Make sure, you are not entering the no go area.

It is better to park your car in underground parking areas which may be expansive.

Visit Budapest Vaci Utca with public transport

Vaci Street is easily assessable with Budapest Public transport.

If you are coming with Budapest airport 100E bus, you will be dropping of at Deak Ferenc ter, which is the closest metro station with Vaci Street.

For tourists coming with 200E airport bus, they will take Metro M3 to reach Deak Ferenc ter.

If you are coming from Budapest Népliget bus station, you should take Metro M3 which will bring you next to Deak Ferenc ter.