In 2024, both 100E and 200E are operational. There are certain differences that tourist would like to know,when they are arriving to Budapest. Whether to select 100E or 200E depends upon certain factors which we try to cover in this post.
The overall price to reach Budapest city center is cheaper in 200E+M3(Metro) combination, compared to 100E.Just as an idea, 200E+M3 price can be 3 to 4 USD (800-1000 Huf) whereas for 100E it is 6.5 USD (2200 HUF).
You can also use 1-day,3-day,15-day and 30-day BKK Budapest pass, on 200E and do not need to care about validate ticket in Budapest public transport. On the other hand, you cannot use any kind of Budapest pass or card for 100E bus,as it has its own ticket,or option to pay on the bus.
Additionally, the pass can be used on Budapest Metro System.There is always enough space in both buses to put your luggage.
The major limitation with 200E+M3 metro combination to reach city center of Budapest is that it takes a long time compared to 100E bus.As a rough estimate, based upon experience, the 200E+M3 combination will take around 90 mins whereas the similar journey by 100E to Deak Ferenc ter is 45 mins.
Hence,100E is 2 times faster but 2.5 times pricey than the 200E+M3 combination.
Although the primary public transport choice for tourists is to use 100E to transfer from airport to Budapest city center.However, there are some scenarios when 200E bus can be used instead of 100E.
During Covid times,when all the international travel was almost non-existent, 100E bus service was halted for many months.In such scenarios, 200E bus was the only cheapest option in the Budapest Buses, while Budapest taxis also had limited operations.
After off-boarding 200E on the last stop, you need to take at least another public transport vehicle to reach the city center. Hence, you will need at least two single tickets,a single/multiple day pass or one transfer ticket Budapest for using 200E bus Budapest.

For tourists coming to Budapest, the common combination to reach the city center is 200E Budapest+Metro M3 (if they have more time and buy a Budapest pass).