You can use Bolt without the app in Budapest.
Bolt is one of the many registered taxi companies in Hungary.Although some even call it Budapest Uber alternative,which is really not the case.
The reason being the fact that Bolt taxi rates are not lesser than any other taxi app like FoTaxi,City Taxi,Taxi4 or Elit Taxi in Budapest. Either you are looking for a backpack, smart luggage, or trolley back, do check the latest collection on Horizn-Studios.(Discount code HSxBudapezt for 20% flat discount on new collection)
If you want to get a transfer from Budapest airport to city center,you can book your taxi here.You can use the taxi fare comparator from KiwiTaxi and SunTransfers to select the best one.
However, it has only one advantage over other taxis that Bolt app provides seamless experience with less glitches.
Bolt taxis can be ordered even without an app.However, the Bolt taxi price from Budapest airport to city is not less than other taxi companies.
Wondering how to get a taxi in Budapest? and what about Bolt? One way to use Bolt taxi in Budapest without app is to find them on taxi stands.
Bolt taxis can be readily seen on taxi stands near hospitals,Bus stations as well as train stations.Make sure to check the Bolt Taxi sticker on the front doors as well as on top of the roof.

On the right front corner, you should also check the taxi number,this will be the registered taxi number of bolt taxi.
These are additional measures to make sure that when you book a bolt taxi on the street or taxi stand, you are not overcharged by Budapest taxi.
You can book a taxi at a fixed rate from Budapest airport to city center,Click here to book your Airport transfer with no hidden charges.
Bolt EU website there is one phone number “+3614445154” mentioned to book Bolt Taxi. However, if you check multiple Bolt taxis in Budapest,some of them mention a phone number on the front door while some don’t.
While some mention the number,it seems they have their own number and not the one mentioned on their website.