Hungary is part of Eastern Europe, where the GDP is very, very low compared to states in US.
If you visit any state in the US, finding a luxury car is a norm.
There are places where you will hardly find any average car in US.
On the other hand, If you come to Hungary as a tourist in 2023, you will rarely see a luxury car.
These are definitely there, but few and far between.
In 2023, one thing that will amaze you in Budapest is the amount of cars from the 80s and 90s.
There are cars from 80s and 90s which are still running on the roads.
Normally, you will expect to see these cars in the museums or scrapyard of some other country.
In Hungary, these are still running quite well.
Therefore, finding very, very old cars on the streets while walking in the city of Budapest is quite common.
Here are few cars, which you may love to have pics in 2023, while walking on the streets of Budapest.
The below red car is definitely from the 80s however, it’s hard to know from the outlook which is the manufacturer of this car.

But on thing is for sure, that it has been maintained well by the owner.
The car below is not very old but definitely old enough to give goosebumps.

It is from the late 90s and Daihatsu Charade

The car below is from Volkswagen and definitely one of the most famous cars.
It is also known as Super Beetle, and Bug (also Super bug).

Definitely from the outlook it seems to be in well running condition.
Credits to the owner for keeping the VW1300 in such a great condition.
If you find one in Budapest, don’t forget to take a picture, as these cars are still loved by many.
Luckily for the car below, despite being manufactured in the late 80s, the manufacturer could be identified, this is a LADA 2105.
You will be surprised to know that these cars are still on sale in Hungary for 1000 to 2000 Euros at the local websites.

The car below is definitely seeming to be in good condition.

The next picture below is of the Volvo 745 GL which was put into production in 1982-1992.

This is such an old car, however, you may find it on your next trip to Budapest.

The oldest of the cars you may find in Hungary the Lada Niva 1600.

This car first came to market in 1977 and production continued for over 10 years.
Despite being such an old car, it may be seen running on the Hungarian roads even in 2021.