In 2024, what is the taxi price from Budapest airport to city, we tried to check with the available taxis. In Budapest city, let us assume you are staying somewhere around Deak Ferenc ter which is the city. We tried to explore the price of Budapest taxis for all the major registered taxi companies in Budapest.
The average Taxi cost between Budapest Airport to city center is around 35 Euros. In USD it turns out to be 42 USD,Whie the taxi prices from airport to Budapest city center is 35 GBP.
For booking the best taxi from Airport to Budapest City, use taxi fare calculators for Budapest from KiwiTaxi and SunTransfers.
Taxis in Budapest are definitely having slightly higher prices than Budapest Airport Shuttle.i.e. 100E.
If you are looking for a hassle free taxi ride from Budapest Airport to City center with a standard rate, Kiwi taxi is the best option. The standard fare from Budapest Airport to city center or any main location location like Keleti station is 42 USD. They have English speaking service 24 hours which makes them a good taxi service for expats and travelers.
For international travelers looking to book a taxi in Budapest for airport transfer, our recommendation is to use Kiti Taxi. Please check here the estimated fare.

Fo Taxi
As Fo Taxi is considered the main partner of Budapest Airport, when checking online the price for airport transfer, we visited their website,which was initially in Hungarian.

However,on the top right corner,there is an option to select English. Shifting to English makes the life easier as now you can understand that its the toll calculator. Don’t get distracted by the word toll as its basically a fare calculator.

Even in the English version, the calculate button is still shown in Hungarian, which is not a big deal, as on the back-end it works fine.i.e. calculate the fare.

As we want to calculate the Budapest Airport to City taxi fare with Fo taxi online through their website. When we enter Budapest Airport, there are 5 options available to select as the start of journey.
- Budapest Airport Terminal 2A, 1185 Budapest, T2 SkyCourt 2-Mezzanine level
- Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport, 2220 Vecsés, Terminal 2 – arrivals
We recommend selecting the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport, 2220 Vecsés, Terminal 2 – arrivals, as with other entry, we got a strange result.

For the destination of Budapest city center, we got 3 options, from which we selected 1061 Budapest, Deak Ferenc ter.
After clicking on the red button KALKULALOK, we get the estimated price for the Fo taxi from Airport to Budapest city center, which turns out to be between 9308 – 11377 HUF,with estimated duration of 32 mins.
If you are coming from UK and plan to use Fo Taxi, your estimated fare from Budapest Airport to city center will be around 21 GBP – 25.5 GBP.
For US travelers coming to Budapest and plan to use Fo taxi, the estimated Fare in US dollars is 25.5 USD – 31 USD from airport to Budapest City center.
As the HUF to GBP and USD rate fluctuates a lot, it may be possible that when you are reading it, there is a minor difference.
The best taxi fare calculators for Budapest are from KiwiTaxi and SunTransfers.

As we mentioned that the optimum source and destination when selecting Budapest Fo taxi is to use Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport, 2220 Vecsés, Terminal 2 – arrivals as the airport address while 1061 Budapest, Deak Ferenc ter as destination to have a better estimation of the fare.
Below is one example where a minor change in the address causes a big mistake in fare calculation by Fo Taxi Budapest.
As you can see below, the addresses on FoTaxi are pointing to wrong source and destinations in the map.Additionally the fare is also wrong.

City Taxi
When trying to find the estimated fare on City Taxi Budapest website, there is no fare calculator. Therefore, we try to install the City Taxi App, which is available in Android as well iOS. You have to make an account on City Taxi App. After the app installation, there is a Menu to select the Fare calculator.

After selecting the City Taxi Budapest App calculator option, we will find another window where we have to insert the source and destination. Here as we are calculating the Budapest City taxi prices from Airport to City.
We recommend checking the taxi fare calculators for Budapest from KiwiTaxi and SunTransfers.

When selecting the Start and arrival on City taxi app, it shows the Liszt Ferenc Airport Arrivals (unfortunately its the Hungarian even in English version of the app).
As we are selecting the journey from Airport to City center, we select the appropriate option from the app,as shown below for start and arrival options. The price for City taxi for Airport to City transfer comes out to be 10110 HUF.
City taxi App does not tell about the estimated time of journey between airport and city.
As of Jan 2024, the estimated fare from Budapest airport to city in USD is 30 USD. On the other hand, according to current HUF rates, if you are interested in knowing the equivalent fare of City taxi from airport to Budapest city in GBP,it turns out to be 23 GBP.

When using City taxi app for the first time,we did found some glitches,where the app just went into a sleeping mode. Additionally, some addresses it could not address in the right way. For example new name of Budapest airport is Liszt Ferenc, while it still uses Ferihegy. (Erkezes means Arrivals in Hungarian).
The best taxi fare calculators for Budapest are from KiwiTaxi and SunTransfers.

However, if you want to find the city taxi fare from Airport to City center, you should use the above mentioned options.
Best Taxi Budapest
Even with Best Taxi Budapest website, there is no option to check the fare calculation. However, their mobile application is pretty efficient. Best taxi also requires your email and phone number to register an account. Once you are registered and want to order a taxi from Budapest airport to City. The app shows your location (if GPS is turned on). However, you can click on location and choose the right pick up point.
On Best taxi app, we try to calculate Best taxi Budapest fare from Airport to City by selecting the pickup point as Airport,and the first option seems to be a good one. We have to press the Next Button to select the drop-off point.

After selecting the pickup point, you need to select the drop-off point. As here we are going from Budapest airport to city center, we insert Deak and it already shows the correct option at the top.

After selecting the drop off point on Best Taxi, the app displays the available taxis with the fare which is an estimated one.
As of early 2024, the taxi fare from Best taxi fare from Budapest airport to city is 11000 HUF – 12530 HUF.
According to current exchange rates, the Best taxi will take around 22 GBP in pount as a taxi fare between Airport and Budapest city.
One the other hand if you are coming from the USA to Budapest, and want an estimate in dollar, the approx fare on best taxi from airport to city center is 27 USD.
If you are looking for artistic historic 5 start hotels in Budapest, we recommend checking the following.

Taxi 4 Budapest
Taxi 4 Budapest website has an English and Hungarian version,but fare calculator is only available in Hungarian Version. Even the Hungarian version is a bit trick to use,and we did not have any success in finding a single fare calculation. However, using their app in English, fare calculation can be done for your next journey in Budapest.
Taxi4 app also requires registration with mobile and email address. However, the addresses are mentioned in Hungarian.
Using the normal starting point as Budapest Airport, the app gives an error as “Route Planning Failed”. In such case, it means the address is in the database of the app but it does not consider it a valid address. Anyhow,we tried many options by changing the app source and destination address but seems like Taxi4 app does not provide any fare calculation.

Elit Taxi Budapest
We were unable to find the estimated fare price calculator on Elit Taxi website. Additionally, their website is totally in Hungarian and you have to either call them or write them a message for estimated fare. Their app also does not work,hence, there is no way at all to check the taxi fare estimated from Budapest Airport to City center.
6×6 Taxi
It is not possible to find a fare calculation from Budapest airport to City, with 6×6 taxi as their website does not provide any such info.
The 6×6 taxi app in Budapest is available in App store, but it seems there are two versions. One does not work at all,while the other one operated by birdies also is a bit tricky to be an authentic one.
The best taxi fare calculators for Budapest are from KiwiTaxi and SunTransfers.