What is Hungary vignette price?

Matrica vignette Hungary

Price of Hungary vignette can vary from 2750 huf to 17730 huf for a 10 day vignette. i.e. 7 Euros to 45 Euros. The prices of Hungarian vignette vary depending upon the type of vehicle,duration of vignette as well as the type of vignette you want to buy.

They type of vignette refers to a special region as some people living in special regions and use regularly the highways prefer vignettes for those regions.

This price of Hungarian vignette depends upon the type of vehicles as well as the duration for which you want to buy the vignette.If your stay in Hungary is for less than 10 days, then, the best vignette duration is still the 10 days vignette.

Even if you plan to use the Hungarian toll roads for one day, the safest option is to buy a 10 day vignette. Hungarian vignette cost is around 16 Euros (1 euro more) on Simple By OTP app for 10 days.

Hungary vignette price of D1 category vehicles for 10 days is 6400 HUF in 2024. It was increased from 3820 HUF to 5500 HUF in mid of 2023 and then in January 2024 to 6400 Huf. If converted , the Hungarian vignette price in Euros turns out to be around 17 Euros. Similarly, if converted to British Pounds, a 10 day Hungarian vignette price in Pounds is 14.52 GBP.

Hungary Vignette price 2023
Hungary Vignette price 2024

Hungary vignette price table for 2024

Below you can find the latest prices and cost of buying a Hungary vignette.

If you are driving on any of the Hungarian paid road (M0,M1,M2…..M7), you will need to buy the e-vignette in advance to ensure you are not fined heavily while driving on the Hungarian Highways.

Follow the table based upon your vehicle type and the duration for which you plan to use Hungarian toll roads.

E-vignette vehicle categoryNationalNationalNationalRegional
10 DaysMonthlyAnnualAnnual
D1M*HUF 3200HUF 5180HUF 57260HUF 6660
D1HUF 6400HUF 10360HUF 57260HUF 6660
D2HUF 9310HUF 14670HUF 81280HUF 13330
B2HUF 20640HUF 29270
UHUF 6400HUF 10360HUF 57260HUF 6660

Hungarian vignette price for Personal Vehicle

As majority of personal vehicles used for traveling purposes fall into D1 category, the minimum Hungarian Vignette price to pay in 2024 is 6400 Huf which is around 17 Euros.You can pay this price if you buy it from a petrol station. It means, that vignette will be valid for 10 days, and you can use your personal car on Hungary tolls roads without any risk of fine.

D1 category for Hungarian Vignette refers to vehicles,i.e. either Motorcycles and cars with capacity of maximum  7 people.

With Hungarian Vignette prices, Other vehicles falling into D1 category are the ones with a maximum authorized mass of 3.5 tons including their trailers.For additional information you can check the official website.

Once you have bought the highway ticket, the next challenge is to find the parking in Budapest.Safest option in Budapest is to park away from the city centre and use public transport to come to the city centre.

Hungary Highways toll price

If your travel involves any of the below Hungarian Highways, you should buy the Motorway vignette before you put your car on these highways. Hungary highway pass is mandatory if your journey involves any of the M0,M1,M2,…up to M7 highways in Hungary.

M1 toll price Hungary 2024

If you are traveling between Budapest and Austria and want to get the quickest route, you will have to go through M1 Highway. M1 Hungary requires vignette to be purchased before you are driving your car on the highway.

There is no dedicated vignette associated with M1 Hungary. No matter you plan to use M1 motorway for one day or a week you can pay m1 toll online with the SIMPLE BY OTP app.M1 Highway Hungary e-vignette is costing around 15 Euros for consecutive 10 days.

Hence, the minimum price to use M1 motorway in Hungary is 15 Euros.

M2 toll price Hungary vignette

Price for M2 motorway in Hungary is 15 Euros,and its the same general vignette which is available for 10 days for D1 category car. Hence M2 toll cost in Hungary is 15 Euros but you can use the same vignette for other 7 Highways (M0,M1,M3,….M7)as well.

M3 toll cost in Hungary

M3 toll cost in Hungary is 15 Euros. As there is no dedicated toll associated with M3, you can buy a generic Hungarian e-vignette through the SIMPLE by OTP app, from a petrol station or the official Hungarian vignette website and use it for 10 days on any of the highways in Hungary.