Shoe Stores in Budapest Vaci Street

There are stores on Vaci street where you can buy variety of shoes.
These stores are definitely expansive but sometimes you may find discounts up to 30%.

Footlocker,Office Shoes,Salamander,Footlocker,Players Room,GEOX,HUMANIC,Kazar, and DEICHMANN are stores in Budapest Vaci Street, specialized for shoes. While the other stores mentioned offer a limited variety of shoes for special niche customers.

Shoe stores in Vaci Street display all the prices in Hungarian forints, but do accept Euros on a special rate if you pay by cash.

  • Footlocker
  • Office Shoes
  • Salamander
  • Footlocker
  • Players Room
  • GEOX
  • Kazar
  • ZARA
  • HnM
  • Springfield
  • Bershka
  • Pull and Bear